Arteria carotis stenosis caused by arteriosclerosis of arteria carotis
Renal failure and uremia caused by arteriosclerosis of renal artery
Aneurysm caused by arteriosclerosis of aorta abdominalis
Intermittent claudication, acral ulcer, and gangrene caused by arteriosclerosis of the lower limb artery
The probability of atherosclerosis will be increased if the immediate relatives of the patients are suffered from early-onset cardiovascular diseases
The probability of vascular injury increases with age as atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases themselves are caused by the imbalance between the vascular injury and the repair. Therefore, age growth will lead to a greater probability of atherosclerosis
High-fat and high-cholesterol diet, smoking, obesity, and lack of exercise will contribute to the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis
Diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes will also give rise to the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis
The earliest symptoms of LEAOD include low leg temperature, distinct temperature difference between two legs, and obvious weakness or disappearance of arteria dorsalis pedis pulse
Further progress of the disease will result in the coming of the intermittent claudication phase, that is, a patient will be unable to walk because of calf muscle pain after walking a certain distance until he/she rests for a while to wait for the spontaneous remission or disappearance of pain. However, walking approximately an equal distance will force the patient to rest again
The failure of timely intervention treatment for lower limbs ischemia caused by vascular occlusion will lead to the coming of the rest pain phase. The clinical manifestation is severe low temperature and numbness in lower limbs. Namely, rest cannot eliminate pain, especially unbearable pain at night will cause the patient wakeful. Most patients will not go to hospital until this time. Entering gangrene phase is the most severe situation for patients, in which the patients are suffered from severe lower limb ischemia leading to calf ulcer or toes blackening and necrosis. Amputation is typically the unique choice for the patients at this phase
Many patients may have no apparent symptoms, or they attribute their pain to a typical aging problem. As a result, PAD may go undiagnosed. In consequence, the examination is critical, especially if the patients have been diagnosed with diabetes or they feel leg pain while walking or there are ulcers on their leg/legs or foot/feet. With the rapid development of modern medicine, there are many ways to diagnose LEAOD
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